Thursday, November 26, 2009

bus banter

okay. so my office is in a part of town about which i have no clue. so travel is an issue. yesterday i somehow managed to get back home by literally hanging off the rod for dear life. Add to that getting screamed at by a bunch of very pissing off women. In my defence... i didn' t even "give any pressure" (thats what one of them said, LOL). well, today i had to come to office on my own. I got up on the bus which was followed by a very embarrassing direction to the conductor from my maid asking him to drop me off at the correct bus stop. i ignored the ebarrassment and smartly chose a seat (i was the first person to get on, so i was spoilt for choice) and then something strange happened...i was asked to get up (that too very unceremoniusly) because that was apparantly a "gent's seat". well, well...the world is changing i guess. that was not all, something else happened, but this was nicer...this girl asked for my permission to sit on the empty seat next to me (yes, it was a public bus). At another time i would have just laughed within, but after yesterday's harrowing experience...what can i say, i was almost touched.

Hindi Connection

Coming back to internships again, my present joke of a work experience is rather odd. Everybody talks to me in Hindi...even the "very bengali" bangalis who just cannot. it was only yesterday, i kept answering all of the receptionist's queries in bengali when infact every question was asked to me in Hindi. I know she is a bong, i have made it amply clear that i am a bong...then why the need for hindi?? this is a very interesting phenomenon that plagues a lot of us bengalis actually...the want to talk in another language to make the discourse sound official. it happened this other time when my father was talking to a traffic policemen. Neither spoke in remotely correct hindi, but nonetheless they did speak in hindi. Since i didn't have anything to do today (read had but chose not to) i kept thinking about the whole hindi connection. very very baffling indeed.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Sach Ka Samna

There is a reason why some wise guy once said- "ignorance is bliss". As we sat, semi stoned, semi exhausted in that excitingly cheap (only speaking of the tariff) hotel room in Pushkar, our eyes glued to the dangerously controversial, delightfully wicked new show on tv, Sach ka Samna (That later raised quite a stir) we were hungry...again. But this time it was hunger for scandal. Thus the lie detector was lit (literally lit; if you know what i mean) and as mystifying smoke started to cloud our minds, people warmed up more and more to the idea till one of us volunteered to be put to test. For people who don't think this is a big deal, i've got to say this was no silly game of truth or dare where you derive food for juicy gossip out of reluctant friends. This was dark. and deep. You can say " what happens in pushkar stays in pushkar" but we all knew that this li'l thing that we were all contemptuously laughing at could actually make or break relationships, change equations and twist stereotypes but human follies never did heed reason and that somehow is the strange wonder of life. It all happened; secrets were out, moments of stunned silence, laughter, shock, venom, nervous giggles and most importantly the TRUTH- silently revelling in devilish delight. Yet amidst the drama, shock and disbelief- something changed for the better. No. this is not a preachy, soppy post about friendship and how friends accept eachother and all that bullshit. Its about a bunch of people who are open to human follies, yearn for scandal, enjoy gossip, express emotions and finally move on and get over it - eat pizza, share a joint and enjoy the rest of the trip;each in their own leisurely way.
p.s.- The show was great. too much fun. waiting for season 2. :)

Monday, January 5, 2009

Duniya ke is bheer mein sabse peeche hum khade...

1) when something bad happens to you in the very first class of the first day of a semester.
2) when you end calling up your ex-boyfriend 20 million times even after a month of being unceremoniously dumped by him.
3) when you go on a banana boat ride inspite of not knowing how to swim.
4) when you leave a camera worth 23,000 rupees in your hostel room and go home for a two and a half month vacation genuinely believing that it shall remain just where you left it.
5) when you go to an ATM just before going for dinner and leaving town and realise that your ATM card is not there in that pocket of your wallet where it usually was happy to be.

These are my top 5 reasons(not in any order of ranking) to claim the ' THE STUPIDEST COLLEGE GOING LOSER ON EARTH' award. In case fellow members of the 'LOOJAAR' club think they stand a better chance i shall be awaiting their inputs.

This is a self pity blog post. And its OK sometimes. And i don't give two hoots about what you think of me.